Ensure Mainframe Continuity During Business Interruptions

August 7, 2020 

Many businesses remain committed to mainframes. This is due to their superior security and input and output operational capabilities. Therefore, it is vital to maintain mainframe availability.

However, it is only in times of crisis that businesses realize the need for remote access solutions. They need a system that can manage mainframes, maintain uptime, and troubleshoot issues in these circumstances. These solutions must address productivity issues around geographically dispersed support teams and circumvent challenges that restrict physical access to data centers.

Shortage of human resources

Businesses that depend on the expertise of individual tech experts are most exposed during instances when they are unable to work in the office. Lack of available specialized skills on the market, and high staff turnover rate compound these challenges.

Many ‘mainframers’ also fall within older demographic. This could further complicate the skills shortage without new skills entering the workplace.

Therefore, companies must adapt by building resilient operating models to survive potential crisis with effective business continuity capabilities.

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