In our daily operations, we are guided by the principles of ethical behavior, transparency, respect for the rule of law and international norms, and respect for human rights. In 2018, IBA Group became a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s leading voluntary corporate social responsibility initiative.
Environmental Protection
Green IT is our motto. We save energy resources by introducing new technologies not only for our computers but also for power, heat, hot water supply, ventilation, and air conditioning in the IBA Group campus, primarily in the office building, IBA Data Center, and IBA Fitness Center. We organize voluntary green initiatives, including tree planting in the IBA Group campus and installation of a garden house in the Children’s Hospice.

Employee Empowerment
We are proud to have one of the lowest attrition rates in the industry. IBA Group is a workplace of choice for the best IT professionals, who receive training at IBM, SAP, Microsoft, and other leading training centers. IBA Institute gives education in IT, business, and foreign languages. Our teams work in a healthy and comfortable environment. They practice sports at our own fitness center, enjoy free or discounted memberships at different sport clubs, and participate in sport competitions, retreats, and tours.
Education & Training
We are aware that IT helps people gain access to the benefits of scientific and technological progress. Therefore, we see it as our responsibility to contribute to peoples’ empowerment through support of education in the countries of our presence. IBA Group cooperates with universities through R&D labs, training courses, conferences, workshops, and internships. We support programming championships among school and university students, and equip university labs and school classrooms with computers.

Building Community
We strive to harmonize our activities with values and expectations of our communities. Cooperating with UN institutions, NGOs, and other organizations, we combine financial support with volunteer efforts. Our employees developed the Auto Volunteers Application for the Children’s Hospice to organize transportation of children with disabilities. IBA Group volunteers took part in the Aist Summer Camp project for residents of the Children’s Hospice. IBA Institute conducts free IT and business courses for people with disabilities. We help medical institutions in their fight against pandemics. IBA Group conducted a Donor Day campaign aimed at collecting safe blood for a transfusiological center.
As a signatory member, IBA Group confirmed that it supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. In addition, IBA Group pledged that it is committed to making the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and its principles part of the company’s strategy, culture and day-to-day operations, and to engaging in collaborative projects to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals.